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Document/Image Storage and Retrieval

Electronic Document Image Management System

Genesis Imaging Technologies, Inc.

The Electronic Document Image Management System (EDIMS) addresses theincreasing problem of being able to effectively capture and process vastamounts of hard copy information.With EDIMS, images of paper-based documents are digitally captured,indexed, and stored on long-life optical storage devices subsequentretrieval, transmittal, hard copying, and archiving.Genesis Imaging System's open architecture enables the system to betailored to the function and capacity requirements of individual clients.EDIMS has the mechanism required to effectively compete in an ever-increasing information intensive business environment.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2

Genesis Imaging Technologies, Inc.
1220 Valley Forge Rd
Valley Forge, PA 19482
Phone: (610) 933-4848
        (800) 836-1823
Fax: (610) 933-6190